Rentals with Bitcoin

  • Rent with Bitcoin
  • A unique page to share
  • +12% revenue in average
  • No Follow up, no hassle, low fees

25 propriétaires louent avec N28

Over 21 rents collected today. From bed to entire home. Wherever you are.

Aubervilliers, France

HackerHouse HQ | Bedroom • Logement entier • Lit

750€ par mois


Mérignac, France

Pablo-picasso | Bedroom

700€ par mois


Mérignac, France

HackerHouse LaPost | Lit

520€ par mois


Gémenos, France

Innoasis | Logement entier

950€ par mois

Paris, France

3e-web-27 | Lit

990€ par mois

Paris, France

Paris view from Sky | Bedroom

850€ par mois


Ivry-sur-Seine, France

Ivry-brandebourg | Bedroom

690€ par mois

Hey, it's Stéphane 👋

En 2016, I though I was the futur Airbnb with HackerHouse, built a marketplace for 7 years, and 5 houses...

After my burnout, I restarted my journey differently: solve my own problem that I could spend the next 10 years. Now I am happy, I can work and live anywhere/p>

I realized that with THE Bitcoin my tenant paid me in 2016, I could buy an iPhone (€900). Today, a Tesla (€45,000). So I decided to create N28 for 3 reason

  1. Receive rents in Bitcoin by offering a discount
  2. Avoid 13% Airbnb fees
  3. Secure each booking with a rental lease


What is N28 ?

N28 is a platform for booking furnished accommodation in Bitcoin and Euros. We offer accommodation in student residences and flatshares. We are based in Paris and Bordeaux, France.

How does N28 work ?

Just sign up, create a home and share the unique link to your home. Tenants can book your home in Bitcoin or Euros. N28 takes care of the rest.

What are the advantages of N28 ?

N28 allows you to avoid the commissions (about 13% on average) of traditional booking platforms such as Airbnb or others. You can share your n28 ad with your unique link or QRCODE and receive bookings in Bitcoin or Euros.

How can I receive bookings in Bitcoin ?

Enable Bitcoin payment method in your add ad and add your Bitcoin address. You can also add your Bitcoin address in so that we can pay you your Bitcoin income within 24/48 hours

How can I receive bookings in Euros ?

Enable Card / Bank Transfer payment method in your ad and connect / create your Stripe Account. You can also add your IBAN in so that we can pay you your income in Euros within 24/48 hours

How can I create a Bitcoin address ?

You can create a Bitcoin address with the official Bitcoin Core application or use a physical wallet like Trezor or Ledger. We do not recommend online wallets like Coinbase or others because your Bitcoins will not really belong to you. #NotYourKeysNotYourBitcoin

What is the price of N28 ?

N28 is free for tenants. For owners, we operate on a credit system. 1 tenant payment = 1 credit. the first 5 credits are free. In addition to this, there are Stripe transaction fees (if CB / Transfer)

How can I delete my account ?

You can delete your account by sending us an email to stephane at n28 dot fr

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